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ECO: B20–B99
Origin: Giulio Cesare Polerio, 1594
Named after: Sicily
Parent: King's Pawn Game
About 80% of Master-level games beginning 1.e4 c5 continue with 2.Nf3, after which there are three main options for Black: 2...d6, 2...Nc6, and 2...e6. Lines where White then plays 3.d4 are collectively known as the Open Sicilian, and result in open, extremely complex positions. White has a lead in development and extra kingside space, which White can use to begin a kingside attack. This is counterbalanced by Black's central pawn majority, created by the trade of White's d-pawn for Black's c-pawn, and the open c-file, which Black uses to generate queenside counterplay and even a queenside attack if White decides to castle there. Source: Wikipedia
In order to get a slightly less sharp game we will in our repertoire avoid the Open Sicilian.
For our purpose which is to create a repertoire we will explore the following three main Tabya's here where we build around the Rossolimo Variation as our cornerstone.