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2024 11 01

Tabya Sicilian Defence Whites Perspective

Sicilian Defence

White perspective

1.e4 c5

ECO: B20–B99
Origin: Giulio Cesare Polerio, 1594
Named after: Sicily
Parent: King's Pawn Game

Open Sicilian: 2.Nf3 and 3.d4 

About 80% of Master-level games beginning 1.e4 c5 continue with 2.Nf3, after which there are three main options for Black: 2...d62...Nc6, and 2...e6. Lines where White then plays 3.d4 are collectively known as the Open Sicilian, and result in open, extremely complex positions. White has a lead in development and extra kingside space, which White can use to begin a kingside attack. This is counterbalanced by Black's central pawn majority, created by the trade of White's d-pawn for Black's c-pawn, and the open c-file, which Black uses to generate queenside counterplay and even a queenside attack if White decides to castle there. Source: Wikipedia 

In order to get a slightly less sharp game we will in our repertoire avoid the Open Sicilian.

For our purpose which is to create a repertoire we will explore the following three main Tabya's here where we build around the Rossolimo Variation as our cornerstone.

2.Nf3 d6
Moscow Variation

2.Nf3 Nc6
Rossolimo Variation

2.Nf3 e6
French Variation

